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Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Ten Signs That You’re a W@W Addict

10. You start reading an average of 50 emails a day... or at least try to.
9. You start referring to yourself as a w@wie.
8. You take your wedding preparations seriously and try to devote 70% of your life to it.
7. You know the Weddings at Work website like a back of your hand.
6. You start recommending the w@w website and yahoogroup to your soon-to-be married
5. You know what MIL, H2B, DIY, TMU, OTD means.
4. You unconsciously sign your e-mails to your non-w@wie friends with your name, fiancés
name, date of wedding, ceremony, and reception venue.
3. Finishing your suppliers' rating is a dream... other than the wedding, of course.
2. You are now maintaining a blog.
1. Benz is not just a car to you.
Hi! I'm Jannesse... and I'm a W@Waholic!
Credits and Kudos to Dionne... Thanks, sis!


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